New building for the Warwick School


A new school building for staff and students is to be built on the existing site providing up-to-date and extended facilities.

The building programme included an expansion from six to seven form entry to provide more school places for children in the local area and planning permission was being sought by our client accordingly.

Robert West were commissioned to undertake an assessment of the potential impact of the expansion on transport in the immediate surrounding area.


Robert West produced a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan with the strategy to mitigate the impacts identified. Through the planning stage, Robert West also assessed the safety at the existing site access.

Our team undertook a Construction Logistics Plan for all phases of the construction during the building replacement work. 

They took into consideration the constraints of a small site with limited parking and the school remaining fully operational during the construction phase.  A Highway Survey was undertaken to address Local Authority requirements for the construction phase.


The team, liaised closely with the client, local authority and the design team to secure the planning permission for the scheme. They were delighted that planning permission was gained receiving no objections with regard to transport matters.

Robert West continue to work with our client for other schools and colleges in London and the South East