Footbridge refurbishment design assurance
A programme of replacing and refurbishing structures and delivering improvements to rail stations is underway across the UK. Robert West are providing design assurance services for the structural repair, refurbishment and re-decoration of footbridges at four stations in the South East of England.
To assess the need for repairs and to identify the scope for the works required to be undertaken to preserve and safeguard the footbridge structures for the future Robert West have:
- reviewed background reports
- undertaken surveys and prepared reports
- produced scheme refurbishment drawings including works specifications
- specified the method and products for repairs required to be used
The footbridges have varied from:
- traditional lattice with timber treads
- concrete slab on steel with supporting columns
- steel undercroft structure with a concrete bridge and steps.
All structural metalwork has been cleaned and repaired prior to redecoration. Timber elements have been replaced with glass reinforced plastic stair treads and decking.
We have provided a responsive service providing Engineers to undertake surveys when line blocks became available.
The repair works are now complete